Know The Legal Options With Boca Raton Accident Lawyer After Pedestrian Accident

Any accidents involving pedestrians tends to leave them with severe injuries and damages than any other accident. If you or someone you hold dear has been injured, a Boca Raton Accident Lawyer knows many legal options that can provide you with compensation that you deserve. Most of the time, it is assumed that the pedestrians are not at fault for such accidents.

Determination of faults

Pedestrians are not considered liable if a car or motorcycle hits them. However, as an accident victim, it is essential that you hire Boca Raton Accident Lawyer, who can represent you in the lawsuit as well as carry out a proper investigation to figure out who was responsible for the accident. Certainly, in such an accident scenario, the vehicle driver is at the fault of the entire accident case.

Shared faults in accident

In such a case, where both the vehicle driver the pedestrian, are equally at fault, may be subject to debate and more complications. You must be careful to choose a Boca Raton Accident Lawyer than try to represent yourself in court. The lawsuits vary from state to state and include contributory negligence, comparative negligence, pure comparative negligence, modified comparative negligence, to mention some. Both of you will be at fault if, say, the driver was speeding and you were jaywalking instead of maintaining safety and following all the traffic rules.

The criminal penalties

Undoubtedly you need an experienced accident lawyer like Boca Raton Accident Lawyer to handle, investigate and represent your case. The reason lies in the fact that you probably do not know all the kinds of penalties that are associated with pedestrian accidents. The criminal penalties associated with pedestrian accidents include hit and run, where the driver does not stop after hitting. It further includes DWI, where the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs during driving. The third one is vehicle manslaughter, where the driver is responsible for the death of the pedestrian. Remember, if the death of the pedestrian is due to an accident only without any aggravating circumstances, it is unlikely to tag a criminal penalty.

Things to remember first

Always remember to maintain all the traffic rules and avoid any kind of accidents. Do not feel nervous when you face one and remember that it is natural to feel upset during such a situation. You cannot stop or undo it once it happened, therefore to get good legal support, keep the contacts of accident lawyers and contact them immediately after getting the first aid. Safety comes first, relax and see a doctor, remember that visiting a doctor has dual value in such a case. Firstly, you will get the treatment and secondly, it is essential to have a medical record for evidence. Visit Here: Drucker Law Offices