Will Boca Raton Accident Attorney Discuss Car Accident Vehicle Damage Repair Options?

It’s a good idea to assess the damage as soon as possible following a car accident and to report the incident to your insurance company (regardless of fault) because the issue of who is covered for what becomes a point of contention in many lawsuits. But before you start calling around to get repair estimates, you’ll want to get some legal advice from an experienced Boca Raton Accident Attorney.

It all comes down to what the damage to your vehicle is worth in relation to the vehicle’s value. The amounts vary from state to state. Different types of cars also have different maximum amounts for which a claimant may be reimbursed.

• Value of your car and repair costs

If your car’s been hit by an uninsured motorist, that driver won’t be liable for any more than the value of your vehicle. However, if the damage is more extensive, your insurer can declare it a total loss and pay you the market value of your car – or pay you for your vehicle when the repair costs exceed the car’s value. The amount you receive in a property damage claim is determined by how much the property was worth prior to the accident, not how much you originally paid for it. No matter which insurance company was responsible for the accident, it will not pay more than the policy limits.

This is why hiring a Boca Raton Accident Attorney who knows how to build a strong claim based on both the property and lost wages is crucial.

Claim with other driver’s insurance company

Suppose the other driver was at fault for your car accident, and their insurance covers property damage. In that case, you can file a claim with them to obtain reimbursement for your out-of-pocket costs associated with the repair or replacement of your vehicle. This is called, ‘third-party claim.’

• Using Your Collision Coverage

Car insurance is necessary to drive legally, and collision coverage covers your loss if you are ever involved in a car accident. If the other driver were at fault, you would not need to claim your own insurance policy’s collision coverage.

• Using Your Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive car insurance can help cover accidental damage to your vehicle caused by a third party, including damage caused by fire and weather. Even if you don’t have collision coverage, you can go after the driver that hit you for money to cover repairs. For example, if someone hits your parked car, comprehensive can cover the expense and help you avoid any increased cost for repairs. However, you would need to prove that their insurance does not cover the cost of replacing or repairing your car completely.

If you feel that you have been mistreated by an insurance company or have received inadequate compensation for a particular claim, you may be able to take legal action. A skilled Boca Raton Accident Lawyer can provide assistance and guidance during this process. For more information visit here: Drucker Law Offices

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